How to Send AD Attributes as ADFS 2019 Claims to a Native WinForms Client
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How to Send AD Attributes as ADFS 2019 Claims to a Native WinForms Client

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Are you tired of grappling with the complexities of Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 2019 claims-based authentication? Do you want to learn how to send AD attributes as ADFS claims to a native WinForms client with ease? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the step-by-step process of configuring ADFS 2019 to send AD attributes as claims to a native WinForms client.

What are ADFS Claims?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a brief moment to understand what ADFS claims are. In ADFS, claims are statements about a user that are passed between the authentication system and the relying party (RP). These claims contain information about the user, such as their name, email address, or role, which are used to authenticate and authorize access to resources.

Why Send AD Attributes as ADFS Claims?

Sending AD attributes as ADFS claims provides a flexible and scalable way to authenticate and authorize users to access resources. By passing AD attributes as claims, you can:

  • Use AD group membership to control access to resources
  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) using AD attributes
  • Enhance the security of your application by leveraging the power of ADFS
  • Simplify the authentication process for users by reducing the number of credentials required


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • ADFS 2019 installed and configured
  • A native WinForms client application
  • Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) installed and configured

Step 1: Configure ADFS 2019 to Send Claims

In this step, we’ll configure ADFS 2019 to send claims to our native WinForms client. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the ADFS Management console and navigate to .
  2. Click and select as the claims provider.
  3. In the window, enter a name for the claims provider and select the option.
  4. Click to add the claims provider.

Step 2: Configure the Claim Rules

In this step, we’ll configure the claim rules to send the required AD attributes as claims to our native WinForms client. Follow these steps:

  1. In the ADFS Management console, navigate to .
  2. Click and select .
  3. In the window, enter a name for the claim rule and select the claims provider.
  4. In the , select the AD attributes you want to send as claims (e.g., , , etc.).
  5. Click to add the claim rule.

Step 3: Configure the Relying Party Trust

In this step, we’ll configure the relying party trust to receive the claims sent by ADFS 2019. Follow these steps:

  1. In the ADFS Management console, navigate to .
  2. Click and select .
  3. In the window, enter a name for the relying party trust and select the claims provider.
  4. In the section, select the token and specify the token lifetime.
  5. Click to add the relying party trust.

Step 4: Configure the Native WinForms Client

In this step, we’ll configure our native WinForms client to receive the claims sent by ADFS 2019. Follow these steps:

  1. In your native WinForms client project, add a reference to the assembly.
  2. Create a new instance of the class and set the property to .
  3. Use the instance to authenticate the user and retrieve the claims sent by ADFS 2019.
  4. Parse the claims using the class and extract the required AD attributes.

using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt;

// Create a new instance of the WindowsIdentity class
WindowsIdentity identity = new WindowsIdentity();

// Set the authentication type to Windows authentication
identity.AuthenticationType = WindowsAuthentication;

// Authenticate the user and retrieve the claims
identity.Claims = identity.GetClaims();

// Parse the claims using the JsonWebToken class
JsonWebToken token = new JsonWebToken(identity.Claims);

// Extract the required AD attributes
string samAccountName = token.Claims["samAccountName"].Value;
string mail = token.Claims["mail"].Value;


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demonstrated how to send AD attributes as ADFS 2019 claims to a native WinForms client. By following these steps, you can harness the power of ADFS claims-based authentication to enhance the security and flexibility of your application.

ADFS 2019 Claim Rules
Claim Rule Name Description
Send LDAP Attributes as Claims Sends the specified AD attributes as claims to the relying party

Remember to configure ADFS 2019 to send the required claims to your native WinForms client, and parse the claims using the class to extract the required AD attributes. With this knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to implementing a robust and scalable claims-based authentication system for your application.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on sending AD attributes as ADFS 2019 claims to a native WinForms client!

Q: What is the primary requirement to send AD attributes as ADFS 2019 claims to a native WinForms client?

A: The primary requirement is to configure the ADFS 2019 server to send the required AD attributes as claims to the WinForms client. This can be achieved by creating a new claim rule in the ADFS 2019 server that retrieves the desired AD attributes and sends them as claims to the client.

Q: How do I create a new claim rule in ADFS 2019 to send AD attributes as claims?

A: To create a new claim rule, navigate to the ADFS 2019 management console, click on “Claims Provider Trusts”, and then click on “Edit Claim Rules”. Click “Add Rule” and select “Send Claims Using a Custom Rule”. Then, define the custom rule using the ADFS 2019 claim language to retrieve the desired AD attributes and send them as claims to the client.

Q: What is the ADFS 2019 claim language used to define the custom rule?

A: The ADFS 2019 claim language is based on the .NET Framework’s regular expression syntax. You can use this language to define the custom rule that retrieves the desired AD attributes and sends them as claims to the client. For example, the rule `c:[Type == “”]=> issue(Type = “”, Value = regexreplace(c.Value, “(.+)”, “mailto:$1”));` retrieves the Windows account name and sends it as an email address claim to the client.

Q: How does the native WinForms client receive the AD attributes sent as ADFS 2019 claims?

A: The native WinForms client receives the AD attributes sent as ADFS 2019 claims through the WIF (Windows Identity Foundation) API. The client must be configured to authenticate with the ADFS 2019 server using the WIF API, which provides the claims-based authentication mechanism. Once authenticated, the client can access the received claims, including the AD attributes sent as claims, using the WIF API.

Q: What are some common issues to watch out for when sending AD attributes as ADFS 2019 claims to a native WinForms client?

A: Some common issues to watch out for include incorrect claim rule configuration, mismatched claim types, and improper WIF API configuration on the client-side. Additionally, ensure that the ADFS 2019 server and the WinForms client are properly configured for claims-based authentication, and that the necessary claims are being sent and received correctly.

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