ESP32 Crashing sometimes crashes when sending a Websocket: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting and Fixing
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ESP32 Crashing sometimes crashes when sending a Websocket: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting and Fixing

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of your ESP32 board crashing randomly when sending a WebSocket? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s time to put an end to it. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the possible causes, troubleshooting steps, and solutions to get your ESP32 board back up and running smoothly.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what’s happening behind the scenes. When your ESP32 board crashes when sending a WebSocket, it’s usually due to one of the following reasons:

  • Memory Issues: The ESP32 board has limited memory, and when sending a WebSocket, it requires a significant amount of memory to handle the data. If the memory is not managed properly, it can lead to crashes.
  • Network Congestion: When the network is congested, it can cause the WebSocket connection to timeout, leading to crashes.
  • Incorrect Configuration: Misconfigured WebSocket settings or incorrect coding can cause the ESP32 board to crash.

Troubleshooting Steps

Before we start fixing the issue, let’s go through some troubleshooting steps to identify the root cause:

  1. Check the Serial Monitor: Connect your ESP32 board to your computer and open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE. Observe the output to see if there are any error messages or hints that can help you identify the issue.
  2. Verify the WebSocket Configuration: Double-check your WebSocket configuration, including the server URL, port, and protocol. Ensure that everything is correct and matches the server-side configuration.
  3. Monitor Network Activity: Use tools like Wireshark or Tcpdump to monitor network activity and identify any congestion or packet loss issues.
  4. Check for Memory Leaks: Use tools like the Arduino Memory Debugger or the ESP32 Memory Inspector to identify any memory leaks or issues.


Now that we’ve identified the possible causes and performed troubleshooting, let’s dive into the solutions:

Solution 1: Optimizing Memory Management

One of the most common causes of crashes when sending a WebSocket is memory issues. To optimize memory management:

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WebSocket.h>

WiFiClient client;
WebSocket ws("ws://");

void setup() {
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi...");
  Serial.println("Connected to WiFi");
  Serial.println("Initializing WebSocket...");
  Serial.println("WebSocket initialized");

void loop() {

In the above code, we’re using the `WiFiClient` and `WebSocket` libraries to establish a connection. We’re also using the `delay(10)` function to give the system some breathing room and avoid overloading the memory.

Solution 2: Handling Network Congestion

To handle network congestion, we can implement a simple retry mechanism:

void sendWebSocketData(String data) {
  int retryCount = 0;
  while (retryCount < 3) {
    if (ws.send(data)) {
      Serial.println("Data sent successfully");
    } else {
      Serial.println("Error sending data. Retrying...");
  if (retryCount == 3) {
    Serial.println("Failed to send data after 3 retries");

In the above code, we’re using a `retryCount` variable to limit the number of retries to 3. If the data is sent successfully, we break out of the loop. If not, we retry after a 1-second delay.

Solution 3: Correcting Configuration Issues

Incorrect configuration is another common cause of crashes. To ensure correct configuration:

Verify that the WebSocket server URL, port, and protocol match the server-side configuration.

Double-check the authentication mechanism, if any, and ensure it’s correctly implemented.

Verify that the WebSocket connection is closed properly when not in use to avoid memory leaks.

Best Practices

To avoid crashes when sending a WebSocket with your ESP32 board, follow these best practices:

  • Use the latest ESP32 and WebSocket libraries: Ensure you’re using the latest versions of the ESP32 and WebSocket libraries to minimize bugs and issues.
  • Optimize Memory Management: Implement efficient memory management techniques to avoid memory leaks and crashes.
  • Handle Network Congestion: Implement retry mechanisms and error handling to handle network congestion and packet loss issues.
  • Monitor and Debug: Use Serial Monitor, Wireshark, or Tcpdump to monitor and debug your application to identify issues early on.


ESP32 crashing issues when sending a WebSocket can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps and solutions, you can identify and fix the issue. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure your ESP32 board runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember to always monitor and debug your application to catch any issues early on. Happy coding!

Type Description
Memory Issues Limited memory, memory leaks, or inefficient memory management can cause crashes.
Network Congestion Network congestion, packet loss, or timeout issues can cause crashes.
Incorrect Configuration Misconfigured WebSocket settings, incorrect coding, or authentication issues can cause crashes.

Here is the HTML code for 5 Questions and Answers about “ESP32 Crashing sometimes crashes when sending a Websocket”:

Frequently Asked Question

Is your ESP32 driving you crazy with its occasional crashes when sending WebSockets? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Q1: Why does my ESP32 crash when sending WebSockets?

This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as insufficient memory, incorrect WebSocket library configurations, or even network connectivity issues. Don’t worry, we’ll dive deeper into the possible causes and solutions in the following questions.

Q2: How can I check for memory leaks that might be causing the crash?

You can use the `esp_heap_caps_get_free_size()` function to monitor the available heap size during runtime. This will help you identify if memory leaks are the culprit behind your ESP32’s crashes. Also, consider using a memory debugging tool like `ESP-IDF’s` built-in `heap_stats()` function or a third-party library like `esp-mem-stats`.

Q3: Are there any specific WebSocket library configurations I should double-check?

Yes! Make sure you’ve configured the WebSocket library correctly, including setting the correct protocol version, enabling or disabling SSL/TLS, and specifying the right server URL. Also, ensure that you’re handling disconnections and reconnects properly. A single misconfiguration can cause your ESP32 to crash when sending WebSockets.

Q4: How can I handle network connectivity issues that might be causing the crash?

Implement a robust network connection handling mechanism, including retrying failed connections, handling DNS resolution failures, and detecting disconnections. You can also consider using a library like `WiFiClient` or `AsyncTCP` to simplify your network connectivity management.

Q5: Are there any best practices I can follow to prevent ESP32 crashes when sending WebSockets?

Yes! Follow best practices like using a task scheduler to handle WebSocket sending, implementing a watchdog timer to reset the ESP32 in case of a crash, and using a reliable WebSocket library. Additionally, ensure that your ESP32 has a stable power supply and is running with the latest firmware.

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