Unlocking the Power of Tableau: Concatenating Parameter Values into a Single Parameter for CUSTOM SQL
Image by Zolaria - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Tableau: Concatenating Parameter Values into a Single Parameter for CUSTOM SQL

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As a Tableau user, you may have encountered situations where you need to pass multiple parameter values to a CUSTOM SQL query. Perhaps you want to filter your data based on multiple criteria or concatenate strings to create a dynamic query. The good news is that Tableau provides a way to concatenate parameter values into a single parameter, making it possible to achieve complex queries with ease. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Tableau parameters and demonstrate how to concatenate parameter values into a single parameter, which can then be passed to a CUSTOM SQL query.

What are Tableau Parameters?

Before we dive into the concatenation process, it’s essential to understand what Tableau parameters are and how they work. Parameters in Tableau are placeholders that allow you to dynamically change the values in your visualization. They can be used to filter data, create calculations, or even drive interactive dashboards.

There are two types of parameters in Tableau:

  • String Parameters: These parameters can hold text values, such as strings or dates.
  • Integer Parameters: These parameters can hold numerical values, such as integers or floats.

Creating a Tableau Parameter

To create a Tableau parameter, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data pane and click on the Dimension or Measure dropdown menu.
  2. Click on Parameter and then select New Parameter.
  3. In the Create Parameter dialog box, enter a name for your parameter, select the data type, and set the allowable values.
  4. Click OK to create the parameter.

Concatenating Parameter Values

Now that we have a basic understanding of Tableau parameters, let’s explore how to concatenate parameter values into a single parameter.

Suppose we have two string parameters, Parameter 1 and Parameter 2, and we want to concatenate their values into a single parameter, Concatenated Parameter.

Parameter 1: "Hello"
Parameter 2: "World"

We can create a calculated field to concatenate the two parameter values using the & operator:

Concatenated Parameter = [Parameter 1] & " " & [Parameter 2]

The resulting concatenated parameter would be:

Concatenated Parameter: "Hello World"

Passing the Concatenated Parameter to a CUSTOM SQL Query

Now that we have our concatenated parameter, let’s pass it to a CUSTOM SQL query. Suppose we have a table called myTable with a column called myColumn, and we want to filter the data based on the concatenated parameter.

We can create a CUSTOM SQL query using the following syntax:

  FROM myTable
  WHERE myColumn LIKE %" & [Concatenated Parameter] & "%

In this example, the concatenated parameter is used to filter the data in the myColumn column.

Example Scenario

Let’s consider a real-world scenario where we want to concatenate multiple parameter values to create a dynamic filter.

Suppose we have a dashboard that displays sales data for different regions and product categories. We want to allow users to select multiple regions and product categories and see the filtered data in real-time.

We can create three string parameters:

  • Region Parameter
  • Product Category Parameter
  • Filter Parameter (this will be the concatenated parameter)

We can then create a calculated field to concatenate the parameter values using the following syntax:

Filter Parameter = [Region Parameter] & " AND " & [Product Category Parameter]

For example, if the user selects “North” as the region and “Electronics” as the product category, the concatenated parameter would be:

Filter Parameter: "North AND Electronics"

We can then pass the concatenated parameter to a CUSTOM SQL query to filter the data:

  FROM salesData
  WHERE (region = %" & [Region Parameter] & "% AND product_category = %" & [Product Category Parameter] & "%)

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to keep in mind when concatenating parameter values:

  • Use the & operator: The & operator is used to concatenate strings in Tableau. Make sure to use it correctly to avoid errors.
  • Handle null values: If one of your parameters has a null value, the concatenated parameter will also be null. Use the IFNULL() function to handle null values.
  • Use aggregation functions: If you need to concatenate multiple values from a single parameter, use aggregation functions like CONCAT(), MIN(), or MAX().
  • Pass parameters to data blends: You can also pass concatenated parameters to data blends to create dynamic joins and unions.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to concatenate parameter values into a single parameter in Tableau, which can then be passed to a CUSTOM SQL query. By mastering this technique, you can create dynamic and interactive dashboards that respond to user input in real-time.

Remember to experiment with different scenarios and variations to unlock the full potential of Tableau parameters and CUSTOM SQL queries.

Parameter Description
Parameter 1 String parameter holding the value “Hello”
Parameter 2 String parameter holding the value “World”
Concatenated Parameter Calculated field concatenating Parameter 1 and Parameter 2

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create complex and dynamic dashboards that impress your users and stakeholders.

Further Reading

For more information on Tableau parameters and CUSTOM SQL queries, refer to the following resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to supercharge your Tableau experience with parameter concatenation!

Can we concatenate multiple parameter values into a single parameter in Tableau?

Yes, you can! Tableau allows you to concatenate parameter values using the concatenation operator (&) or the `CONCAT` function. This way, you can combine multiple parameter values into a single string, making it easier to pass to custom SQL queries. For example, if you have two parameters `param1` and `param2`, you can concatenate them using `=param1 & ” ” & param2`. Voilà!

How do I pass the concatenated parameter value to a custom SQL query in Tableau?

Easy peasy! Once you’ve concatenated your parameter values, you can pass the resulting string to your custom SQL query using the `Parameter` keyword followed by the concatenated parameter value. For example, `CUSTOM SQL QUERY = “SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = ‘” & [concatenated_parameter] & “‘”`. Make sure to enclose the concatenated parameter value in single quotes to avoid any SQL syntax errors.

Can I use calculated fields to concatenate parameter values in Tableau?

You bet! Calculated fields are another way to concatenate parameter values in Tableau. Simply create a new calculated field, and use the concatenation operator (&) or the `CONCAT` function to combine your parameter values. Then, you can use this calculated field in your custom SQL query. Just remember to update the data source to reflect the changes.

What are some common use cases for concatenating parameter values in Tableau?

Parameter concatenation is super useful in various scenarios, such as: creating dynamic filters, generating custom URLs, or even crafting bespoke SQL queries. Imagine building a dashboard that allows users to select multiple regions, and then passing those regions as a single string to a custom SQL query to fetch the corresponding data. It’s like having a magic wand that makes your dashboards more interactive and flexible!

Are there any limitations or considerations when concatenating parameter values in Tableau?

While parameter concatenation is an incredibly powerful feature, there are some things to keep in mind. For instance, be mindful of the character limits for parameter values and concatenated strings. Also, make sure to handle any potential SQL injection vulnerabilities when passing concatenated parameter values to custom SQL queries. And finally, consider performance implications when working with large datasets or complex concatenations. With a little planning and caution, you’ll be all set!