Unleashing the Power of Network Interception and Request/Response Access with Selenium BiDi
Image by Zolaria - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Network Interception and Request/Response Access with Selenium BiDi

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Welcome to the world of Selenium BiDi, where you can unlock the secrets of network traffic and uncover the mysteries of HTTP requests and responses. In this article, we’ll delve into the amazing capabilities of Selenium BiDi, exploring how to intercept network traffic, access request and response data, and take your automation testing to the next level.

What is Selenium BiDi?

Selenium BiDi, short for Selenium Browser Interaction and Debugging, is a new protocol introduced in Selenium 4. It revolutionizes the way we interact with browsers, allowing for low-level access to browser functionality and network traffic. With BiDi, you can tap into the browser’s internal workings, inspecting and modifying network requests and responses with precision.

Why Network Interception Matters

In today’s web development landscape, understanding network traffic is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, security, and reliability. By intercepting network requests and responses, you can:

  • Analyze payload data to optimize API calls and reduce latency
  • Identify and debug issues related to slow loading times or failed requests
  • Verify the integrity of data transmitted between client and server
  • Test and validate security measures, such as encryption and authentication

Setting Up Selenium BiDi

To get started with Selenium BiDi, you’ll need to:

  1. Install the latest version of Selenium 4
  2. Choose a programming language of your choice (e.g., Java, Python, Ruby)
  3. Create a new BiDi-enabled driver instance
  4. Configure the driver to enable BiDi protocol

// Java Example
import org.openqa.selenium.bidi.Browser;
import org.openqa.selenium.bidi.LogEntry;

Browser browser = new Browser("chromium");

// Enable BiDi protocol

Intercepting Network Requests and Responses

Now that you’ve set up Selenium BiDi, it’s time to tap into network traffic. You can use the `addCommand` method to register a command listener, which will notify you whenever a network request or response is sent or received.

// Java Example
browser.addCommand(new CommandListener() {
  public void onCommand(Command command) {
    if (command.getMethod().equals("Network.requestWillBeSent")) {
      // Request will be sent
      String requestId = command.getParams().get("requestId").asString();
      System.out.println("Request sent: " + requestId);
    } else if (command.getMethod().equals("Network.responseReceived")) {
      // Response received
      String requestId = command.getParams().get("requestId").asString();
      System.out.println("Response received: " + requestId);

Accessing Request and Response Data

With the `addCommand` method, you can access request and response data, including headers, payload, and other relevant information.

// Java Example
browser.addCommand(new CommandListener() {
  public void onCommand(Command command) {
    if (command.getMethod().equals("Network.requestWillBeSent")) {
      // Access request data
      Request request = command.getParams().get("request").asRequest();
      System.out.println("Request URL: " + request.getUrl());
      System.out.println("Request Method: " + request.getMethod());
      System.out.println("Request Headers:");
      for (String header : request.getHeaders().keySet()) {
        System.out.println("  " + header + ": " + request.getHeaders().get(header));
    } else if (command.getMethod().equals("Network.responseReceived")) {
      // Access response data
      Response response = command.getParams().get("response").asResponse();
      System.out.println("Response Status Code: " + response.getStatusCode());
      System.out.println("Response Headers:");
      for (String header : response.getHeaders().keySet()) {
        System.out.println("  " + header + ": " + response.getHeaders().get(header));

Use Cases for Network Interception and Request/Response Access

Selenium BiDi’s network interception and request/response access capabilities open up a world of possibilities for automation testing and debugging. Here are some examples:

Use Case Description
API Testing Verify API requests and responses to ensure correct data transmission and validation.
Performance Optimization Analyze network requests to identify bottlenecks and optimize payload data for faster loading times.
Security Testing Inspect network traffic to identify potential security vulnerabilities and verify the effectiveness of security measures.
Debugging Use BiDi to debug issues related to network requests and responses, reducing development time and improving overall quality.


Selenium BiDi’s network interception and request/response access capabilities empower you to take control of your automation testing and debugging workflow. By leveraging these features, you can:

  • Improve API testing and validation
  • Optimize performance and reduce latency
  • Enhance security testing and vulnerability detection
  • Streamline debugging and issue resolution

Unleash the full potential of Selenium BiDi and transform your automation testing and debugging workflow today!

Further Reading

For more information on Selenium BiDi and its capabilities, we recommend exploring the following resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about network interception and access to request-response with Selenium BiDi!

What is Selenium BiDi, and how does it help with network interception?

Selenium BiDi (Browser Interaction DevTools) is a new Selenium 4 feature that provides a low-level interface to interact with the browser. It allows you to capture and inspect network requests and responses, giving you granular control over browser interactions. With Selenium BiDi, you can intercept and manipulate requests, responses, and even modify the browser’s behavior to suit your testing needs!

How do I access request-response data with Selenium BiDi?

You can access request-response data using Selenium BiDi’s built-in API. You can use methods like `getRequests()` and `getResponses()` to retrieve the request and response objects. These objects contain properties like `url`, `method`, `headers`, and `body`, giving you detailed information about the network traffic. You can even use filters to narrow down the requests and responses to specific criteria!

Can I modify requests and responses with Selenium BiDi?

Absolutely! With Selenium BiDi, you can not only inspect but also modify requests and responses. You can use methods like `modifyRequest()` and `modifyResponse()` to alter the request and response data in real-time. This allows you to simulate different scenarios, test edge cases, and even mock API responses to isolate specific testing conditions!

Is Selenium BiDi compatible with multiple browsers?

Yes, Selenium BiDi is designed to be browser-agnostic, meaning it supports multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and more! You can use Selenium BiDi with your browser of choice, ensuring that your tests are consistent across different environments.

What are some common use cases for Selenium BiDi’s network interception capabilities?

Selenium BiDi’s network interception capabilities are perfect for testing scenarios like API mocking, network simulation, and performance testing. You can use it to test authentication flows, simulate different network conditions, and even monitor browser performance. The possibilities are endless, and it’s up to you to get creative with your testing strategies!

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