Unlocking the Secret: How to Get the Client Secret of Another Client by REST API in Keycloak 24
Image by Zolaria - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secret: How to Get the Client Secret of Another Client by REST API in Keycloak 24

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Are you tired of being stuck in the dark, wondering how to get the client secret of another client by REST API in Keycloak 24? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of retrieving the client secret, and by the end of it, you’ll be a master of Keycloak 24’s REST API.

Before We Begin

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s establish some ground rules. To follow along, you’ll need:

  • A basic understanding of Keycloak 24 and its REST API
  • A working Keycloak 24 instance (we won’t cover setup in this article)
  • A client account with the necessary permissions (we’ll get to that later)

The Prerequisites: Permissions and Scope

To get the client secret of another client, you’ll need a client account with the required permissions. Specifically, you’ll need:

  • The query-clients permission
  • The read-client permission
  • The read-client-secrets permission

You can assign these permissions to your client account through the Keycloak 24 console or using the REST API itself. We won’t cover the console method here, but you can find more information in the Keycloak 24 documentation.

Assigning Permissions using the REST API

If you prefer to use the REST API, you can assign the necessary permissions using the following endpoints:

POST /realms/{realm}/clients/{clientId}/management/permissions

With the following JSON payload:

  "permissions": [
      "id": "query-clients",
      "description": "Query clients"
      "id": "read-client",
      "description": "Read client"
      "id": "read-client-secrets",
      "description": "Read client secrets"

The Magical REST API Endpoint

Now that we have the necessary permissions, it’s time to retrieve the client secret. The magic happens with the following REST API endpoint:

GET /realms/{realm}/clients/{clientId}/client-secret


  • {realm} is the realm of the client you want to retrieve the secret for
  • {clientId} is the ID of the client you want to retrieve the secret for

Send a GET request to this endpoint, and Keycloak 24 will respond with the client secret in JSON format:

  "value": "the-client-secret"

Example using cURL

If you want to try it out using cURL, here’s an example command:

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/myrealm/clients/myclient/client-secret \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with a valid access token for your client account.

Error Handling and Troubleshooting

As with any API, errors can occur. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Error Code Error Message Solution
403 Forbidden Check that your client account has the necessary permissions (query-clients, read-client, and read-client-secrets)
404 Not Found Verify that the client ID and realm are correct
500 Internal Server Error Check the Keycloak 24 server logs for more information


And there you have it! With the necessary permissions and the magical REST API endpoint, you can now retrieve the client secret of another client in Keycloak 24. Remember to use your newfound powers wisely and always follow best practices for security and access control.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more information on Keycloak 24’s REST API, we recommend checking out the following resources:

Happy coding, and may the secrets be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Keycloak 24!

Q1: Can I obtain the client-secret of another client via the Keycloak REST API?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Keycloak’s REST API does not provide a direct way to retrieve the client-secret of another client. This is due to security reasons, as client-secrets are sensitive information that should only be accessible to the client itself.

Q2: Is there a workaround to get the client-secret of another client?

Yes, but with caution! You can use the Keycloak admin REST API to retrieve the client configuration, including the client-secret. However, this requires the `Manage Clients` permission, and you need to be an admin or have the necessary privileges. Be aware that handling client-secrets securely is crucial to avoid security breaches.

Q3: How can I get the `Manage Clients` permission in Keycloak?

Easy peasy! To get the `Manage Clients` permission, you need to create a user with the `admin` role or assign the `manage-clients` role to a user. You can do this through the Keycloak Web Console or using the Keycloak REST API.

Q4: Can I use a service account to retrieve the client-secret of another client?

Yes, you can! Service accounts can be used to impersonate clients and retrieve their configuration, including the client-secret. This can be useful in scenarios where you need to automate tasks or integrate with other systems. Just make sure to handle the service account credentials securely.

Q5: What are the security implications of exposing client-secrets?

Extremely important question! Exposing client-secrets can lead to unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches. Always handle client-secrets with care, keep them confidential, and use secure storage mechanisms. Never hardcode or share client-secrets, and rotate them regularly to minimize the attack surface.

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