Mastering Keyboard Management in Flutter: Solving Open and Close Keyboard Performance Issues
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Mastering Keyboard Management in Flutter: Solving Open and Close Keyboard Performance Issues

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As a Flutter developer, you’ve likely encountered the frustration of dealing with pesky keyboard performance issues. You’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting an exceptional user experience, only to have it ruined by the dreaded keyboard lag. Fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of keyboard management in Flutter, exploring the common pitfalls and providing actionable solutions to ensure a seamless user experience.

Understanding the Problem: Why Do Keyboard Performance Issues Occur?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the root cause of the problem. In Flutter, the keyboard is not a native component; instead, it’s a platform-specific widget that’s rendered on top of the app’s widgets. When the keyboard is opened or closed, the entire widget tree is rebuilt, leading to potential performance bottlenecks.

  • Widget tree rebuilding**: When the keyboard is opened or closed, Flutter needs to rebuild the entire widget tree to accommodate the new layout. This process can be resource-intensive, especially for complex UIs.
  • Layout calculations**: The keyboard’s appearance and disappearance trigger layout calculations, which can cause delays and sluggishness.
  • Animation and gesture handling**: The keyboard’s animations and gesture handling can conflict with your app’s own animations and gestures, leading to performance issues.

Best Practices for Optimizing Keyboard Performance

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore some best practices to optimize keyboard performance in your Flutter app:

1. Use the `SingleChildScrollView` Wisely

When using `SingleChildScrollView`, ensure that you’re not rendering unnecessary widgets outside of the visible area. This can lead to excessive widget rebuilding and performance issues.

// Bad practice
  child: Column(
    children: [
      // Many widgets here
      TextFormField(), // This will cause the entire column to rebuild on keyboard open/close

// Good practice
  child: Column(
    children: [
      // Only render necessary widgets here
      TextFormField(), // This will only rebuild the TextFormField on keyboard open/close

2. Leverage `LayoutBuilder` and `ValueListenableBuilder`

Use `LayoutBuilder` and `ValueListenableBuilder` to create a more efficient and flexible layout system. These widgets allow you to rebuild only the necessary parts of the UI when the keyboard opens or closes.

  builder: (context, constraints) {
    return ValueListenableBuilder(
      valueListenable: _keyboardVisibilityNotifier,
      builder: (context, value, child) {
        // Rebuild only the necessary widgets based on keyboard visibility
        return child;
      child: TextFormField(),

3. Minimize Widget Rebuilding

Avoid rebuilding entire widgets or large parts of the UI when the keyboard opens or closes. Instead, focus on rebuilding only the necessary components.

// Bad practice
keyboardVisibilityNotifier.addListener(() {
  setState(() {});

// Good practice
keyboardVisibilityNotifier.addListener(() {
  _rebuildOnlyThe NecessaryWidgets();

4. Optimize Your Widget Tree

Keep your widget tree as flat as possible, avoiding unnecessary nesting. This will reduce the number of widgets that need to be rebuilt when the keyboard opens or closes.

// Bad practice
  children: [
      children: [
        // Many other widgets

// Good practice
  children: [
    // Other widgets

5. Use `keyboardDismisser` Package

The `keyboardDismisser` package provides an easy-to-use solution for dismissing the keyboard on tap outside of the keyboard area. This can help reduce performance issues caused by excessive keyboard opening and closing.

  keyboard_dismisser: ^0.1.2

// In your widget
  child: // Your widget tree

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

While following best practices is essential, it’s equally important to be aware of common pitfalls that can lead to performance issues:

Pitfall Solution
Using `setState` excessively Avoid using `setState` in response to keyboard events. Instead, use `ValueListenableBuilder` or `LayoutBuilder` to rebuild only necessary widgets.
Not handling keyboard visibility changes Listen to keyboard visibility changes using `keyboardVisibilityNotifier` and rebuild only necessary widgets.
Not optimizing widget tree for keyboard opening/closing Optimize your widget tree by minimizing rebuilding, using `LayoutBuilder` and `ValueListenableBuilder`, and keeping your widget tree flat.
Not using `keyboardDismisser` package Consider using the `keyboardDismisser` package to dismiss the keyboard on tap outside of the keyboard area.


Mastering keyboard management in Flutter requires attention to detail, a solid understanding of widget rebuilding, and a willingness to optimize your app’s performance. By following the best practices outlined in this article and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way to creating a seamless user experience. Remember, a smooth and responsive app is just a few optimizations away!

Have a fluttery day, and happy coding!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “Open and close keyboard in Flutter performance issues”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about open and close keyboard in Flutter performance issues.

Why does my Flutter app experience performance issues when opening and closing the keyboard?

This is because the keyboard takes up valuable screen real estate, causing the widgets to rebuild and layout again, which can be computationally expensive. Additionally, the keyboard’s appearance can trigger unnecessary widget rebuilds, leading to performance issues.

How can I optimize the performance of my Flutter app when opening and closing the keyboard?

You can use the `ResizeWidget` or `LayoutBuilder` to handle the keyboard appearance and disappearance, and also consider using `ValueListenableBuilder` to rebuild only the necessary widgets. Additionally, use a `SingleChildScrollView` to avoid unnecessary widget rebuilds.

What is the best way to handle keyboard animations in Flutter to avoid performance issues?

Use the `AnimatedBuilder` widget to handle the keyboard animation, and consider using a `TweenAnimationBuilder` to animate the keyboard height. This allows you to control the animation curve and duration, reducing the performance impact.

Can I use a package to handle keyboard events and performance issues in Flutter?

Yes, you can use packages like `keyboard_visibility` or `flutter_keyboard_size` to handle keyboard events and get the keyboard height. These packages provide you with the necessary tools to handle keyboard-related performance issues.

How can I test and debug performance issues related to keyboard events in Flutter?

Use the `debug dumping` feature in Flutter to visualize the widget tree and identify performance bottlenecks. You can also use the `profile` mode to measure the performance of your app and identify areas for optimization.